Tools & Resources
Washington Brewers Guild DEIA Committee Hiring Guide
*Disclaimer: All employment situations and circumstances are unique. This Guide is not and should not be construed as legal advice. Consult with a lawyer or other Human Resource professionals about your particular needs.
2023 Craft Beer Summit
- Speaker: Jackie K. St. Louis, D-Fine Concepts Consulting
Self-Reflection & Understanding
- Race Implicit Association Test (Project Implicit at Harvard)
- Wheel of Power and Privilege (Sylvia Duckworth)
- Nathaniel G. Chapman: Beer and Racism: How Beer Became White, Why It Matters, and the Movements to Change it
- Dr. Robin DiAngelo: White Fragility
- Dr. Ibram X. Kendi: How to be an Antiracist
- Ijeoma Oluo: So You Want to Talk About Race
- Reni Eddo-Loge: Why I No Longer Talk to White People About Race
- Michelle Silverthorn: Authentic Diversity
- Mahzarin R. Banaji & Anthony G. Greenwald: Blindspot
- Claude M. Steele: Whistling Vivaldi
- The 1619 Project (NY Times)
- White Lies (NPR)
- About Race
- Code Switch (NPR)
- Seeing White (Scene on Radio)
- Peggy McIntosh: White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
TEDx Talks, Webinars
- Luvvie Ajayi Jones (TEDx Talk): Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
- Dr. Robin DiAngelo Discusses ‘White Fragility’ (Seattle Public Library)
- Peggy McIntosh (TedX Talk): How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion
- Claude M. Steele (NPR Talk of the Nation): ‘Whistling Vivaldi’ and Beating Stereotypes
Websites & Other Online Resources
- Crafted for All
- Brewers Association: Diversity Program
- Diversity Toolkit (University of Southern California)
- Center for Global Inclusion
- Racial Equity Tools
Bias-Free Communication
- Gender Decoder: Finding Subtle Bias in Job Ads
- Ensuring Bias-Free Job Postings (MIT Human Resources)
- Guidelines for Achieving Bias-Free Communication
- Why You Need to Stop Using These Words and Phrases (Harvard Business Review)
- Using Inclusive Language At Your Organization
- Ableist Words and Terms to Avoid
WBG DEIA Committee Members
Douglas Bailey, Columbia Distribution
Ingrid Bartels, Georgetown Brewing
Nick Berger, The Good Society Brewery and Public House
Pamela Brulotte, Icicle Brewing
Venus Forteza, Maize and Barley (Co-chair)
Tom Schmidlin, Postdoc Brewing
Robyn Schumacher, Stoup Brewing
Kevin Watson, Future Primitive Brewing
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